Howl Gallery !!

When click a photo, it will become large. ( some don't. ).

When Howl came to our home.

Simillar time with above.

Simillar time with above.

A little grown.

Good pose on a trash box.

He likes this sofa.

Grown much more.

Waht is on your back ?

Probably 2 years old.

Pretty "Ossan".

Red branket is his favorite.

Merry Xmas !

Movie ( Youtube )
When feeding yougult, "Please rolling down !", then he does it !!
Lovely !

Movie ( Youtube )
When he is sleepy. Pushing somewahere by hands.
Big hands are cute !!

My car in kawasaki !
Whay in Howl Gallery ?

Cause, it looks like Howl !!
How do you think ?

In front.

At sides.
Looks like very much !!